
The Synopsis
The Amazing Spider-Man
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), a nerdy teenage social outcast, already has a lot on his plate between trying to solve the mystery of his past and winning the heart of Gwen Stacy, his high school crush. Peter, who was raised by a loving Aunt May and an understanding Uncle Ben, discovers a concealed briefcase by accident. This strange find results in an incredible change and a new identity. The agile web-spinning hero, however, must muster the strength to protect his home New York City as Peter sets out on a difficult quest to learn the truth and an invincible reptilian foe threatens the city. Will Peter choose the difficult route of accountability? Can the heroic Spider-Man defeat the terrifying mega-villain Lizard and protect the city?
June 28, 2012
2 hrs 16 minWriters:
James Vanderbilt (Story), James Vanderbild (screenplay), Alvin Sargent(screenplay) and Steve Kloves(screenplay)Director:
Marc WebbStarring:
Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Sally Field, Martin Sheen, Rhys Ifans, Dennis Leary and more ...The Reviews
What they say
...Andrew Garfield gives a performance to Marvel at...
...Garfield might look absurdly young and lanky (his shape, like his jumpy movements, has an arachnid quality) but his acting has an instinctive wisdom. Even in a short scene, his expression can convey several shades of emotion before he even opens his mouth, and Emma Stone matches him with easy elan as his first love, the police chief’s daughter Gwen Stacy... Andrew Garfield – diffident and confident, polite and stubborn - makes the character his own.

Jenny Mccartney
The Telegraph...Andrew Garfield feels like the definitive Spider-Man...
...The casting is just right. As if moving back in time, Andrew Garfield is the Spidey Sean Connery, as opposed to Tobey Maguire's Roger Moore. He looks clever, physically slight yet wiry, with exactly the right hunched and passive-aggressive body language when is amazing how potent and entertaining the Spider-Man myth continues to be...

Peter Bradshaw
The Guardian...Garfield's performance hits it out-of-the-park...
...Garfield's performance hits it out-of-the-park, with a willingness to go to deep and dark places to express Peter's inner turmoil, masking his pain with a comics-accurate, comedic approach to crime-fighting...Garfield's interpretation of Peter Parker also highlights Spider-Man's high intelligence. Maguire's Peter was a boy-genius to be sure, but with Garfield's, we see Peter more as a prodigy.